Wednesday 21 September 2016

Free Download Brickwork - Under construction page template

Brickwork - Under construction page template

Free Download Brickwork - Under construction page template
  • A countdown area to let users know how long before the actual site launches
  • A contact panel with the contact e-mail ID and phone number
  • A social media panel with space for displaying the latest twitter posts and icons to popular social web apps
  • To top it off, the template is available in three color vairations blue, green & red.

    All HTML files are HTML 4.01 Strict compliant. The CSS files are structured and formatted for clarity and easy editing. The template has been tested to work in IE7, Firefox 3, Chrome 2, Safari 4 & Opera 10 (and above).

    Also included is a Fireworks layered PNG file for editing the theme as required.

    Note: The templates are static and do not contain the javascript needed for the countdown timer or the twitter update.

Last Update 18 December 09
Created 18 December 09
Compatible Browsers Firefox, IE7, IE8, Opera, Safari
ThemeForest Files Included CSS Files, HTML Files, Layered PNG
Documentation Well Documented
Layout Fixed
Tags colorful, corporate, creative, css, html, texture, under construction, vibrant

Preview/Demo Link : Link

Download Link : Link

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